Thursday, January 14, 2016

The 212 Principle: Put Forth the Extra Effort

I was giving someone a pep talk this afternoon and mentioned the 212 principle. They had not heard of it before so I explained it. Then I thought that I would post this here in case someone in the group hadn’t heard of it either.

The 212 Principle, for those of you that don’t know what that is, is basically putting for that extra effort to be that much better. You spend the energy to heat water to 211 degrees and you have hot water. You put in the energy to go just one degree further and at 212 degrees you boil water and you make steam. At 211 degrees you can make coffee, at 212 degrees you can steam power a locomotive. That one little degree, that little bit of extra effort, can make a world of difference. Often the difference between the successful sellers and the really successful sellers is just more effort. They don’t have anything you don’t, they don’t have any special talents that you can’t learn, and they don’t have any more time in the day than you do. Yes they may have more resources right now, but that wasn’t always the case. At some point they made their first sale, they packed their first shipment, they had a modest budget and they were most likely in the same exact position at some point in their career that you are in now.

Do you really want financial freedom? Or do you just kind of want it? It comes down to decisions and actions. If you’re watching the new episode of The Walking Dead instead of the video tutorial for your business, then you just kind of want it. If you decide that you want to take a nap in the afternoon because the work will be there later, then you kind of want it. Maybe you decided that you are doing well enough and are very happy with the income and level you’ve taken the business to, that’s your perception. Jeff Bezos would probably shoot himself tomorrow if he woke up with your money instead of his. The difference between people who make a living from this business and those who retire early and wealthy from this business is that at some point they made the decision to push this business as far as they could, make as much as they could, to live the life that they want later. Sam Walton opened a small mom and pop local store, you know the story. Larry Ellison jumped from job to job chasing his dream before founding Oracle. The founder of Alibaba was an English teacher who had a vision of what he wanted. You can do this. You can grow this business. You can take it to a level that at the current moment you can’t even imagine. It can be done. You believed in Santa Claus for about 8 years, do yourself a favor and believe in yourself for the next few years and see where it takes you.

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